Hypnotherapy and Coaching



Our minds are like icebergs. The tip is our conscious mind, but below is the bulk of the iceberg. This is our subconscious mind. Our subconscious mind is super powerful and is where meaningful change can and does occur. As a hypnotherapist I am the facilitator to help you access your subconscious mind. I work to help relax your conscious mind and so we can work with your powerful subconscious mind to make the changes you wish . It is a remarkably powerful tool and used properly can transform a persons life. It helps when changing your relationship with alcohol in a number of ways : - Getting you ready to change -Letting go of self-sabataging behaviours - Letting go of the addiction -Managing cravings -Protecting your energy and so much more. The Hypnosis that we decide on for your recovery , is agreed between us and bespoke to you .



Coaching is a holistic approach which works with the client to enable and empower . Coaching suggests that the individual already has the answers within themselves .Together the coach and client define outcomes and work together to achieve change. Coaching is powerful and can help a person consider and explore areas in their life they want to make changes and how to live a fulfilling balanced life. Coaching in regards to alcohol change is very powerful , and helps YOU, the client, take back control and live your life on your terms. It helps empower you and understand yourself better.

Why Invest In Yourself

Why Invest In Yourself

We live in a society where we run at 100 miles per hour. There is so many expectations upon us . We have to be everything to everybody . However , we often come at the bottom of the list . I speak with people who often put their own needs last , but the thing is we lose sight of who we are , we don't know what we feel or why we feel it. We enter unsatisfactory relationships or jobs , we dull the mundane day to day stuff with cake, or wine or critical self talk. Anything to take the edge off. But , I know its a cliche , but this isn't a dress rehearsal. We get one shot. Coming first , looking after yourself , feeling happy and content is not selfish . In fact we are role modelling to others how to care for ourselves. It is not a case of I either look after everyone else or me , . It does not have to be that choice . It is about priorities, self nurture , boundaries , self love and self respect. There is nothing I love more than seeing clients realise their own self worth . When they can finally say " I know who I am and I like me " . Lives change for the better , not only does the relationship with alcohol change , mental health , physical health improves , we make better choices and get greater joy from life. We feel guilty about investing in ourselves. But we invest in our partners, our children , our homes . Why do we not deserve it to live a fabulous life . The courses I run are high quality courses that make a real difference . They will help you sparkle again , let go of wine o clock , , feeling constantly exhausted and spread too thinly . Choose the course that is right for you, and live the life you choose. Find the joy and the wonderful uniqueness of being you . Click the Learn More button below to access my free training on the science of Grey Area Drinking much love Jo xxx

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