Do I have to completely stop drinking ?

No .
Most clients do not need to stop completely or forever. Some do and if I think you do , I would always be honest and say so. 
I work with clients with all different goals , some want to stop for a little while, some to reduce the amount they drink and others completely stop .
You and I will work together to set and achieve your alcohol goals . The work we do together is about empowering you , it will always be your choice , and together we will help you get there. 

What happens after I contact you ?

I will get in touch with you and arrange a free call. We will then have a chat about what your needs are , and how best they would be met. There is no obligation to sign up for one of my courses, I can sign post you , if there is a service that is better suited. However, if I think I can help you , I will tell you more about my services.
This is very relaxed and I will put you at ease. It can be scary reaching out but it is more often than not, the right thing to do . 

Do I need to be an alcoholic ?

Absolutely not.
We live in a culture where alcohol is everywhere and there are so many high functioning drinkers. However, you do not need to be labelled an alcoholic for alcohol to impact your life .
We do know that alcohol is progressive , so if you are a binge drinker now , or have a daily drinking habit , then ten years down the line , it is likely to be worse.
Before you reach the stage of being alcohol dependent is a good time to change your relationship with alcohol. 

I drink because I have an underlying mental health problem ? Will it get worse ?

Ok , I have over 20 years of experience working in mental health . From working with people with psychosis , to anxiety and depression , to OCD and self harming . So if there is an underlying mental health problem , together we will find that out and get you the most appropriate treatment.
That is ok .
But until we control the alcohol we cannot assess the severity of other conditions that may or may not exist .