04 Nov

Addiction and being an empath or sensitive soul is not at all unusual . 

As empaths / sensitive souls we feel so deeply , we are hounded by emotions , thoughts and feelings and alcohol can be a place of perceived comfort and escape. 

Alcohol can soften the edges of the world, soften our feelings and generally make everything a bit fussy and more bearable, in the short term. 

Empaths who have not yet learned to manage their wonderful super power and may not even recognise they are an empath can snuggle close into an addiction, trying to feed and comfort their soul and protect their energy . 

It isn't always an addiction to alcohol, it can be anything, gambling, sugar, social media , drugs , shopping . But today , in particular we are addressing alcohol. 

Alcohol is so accessible in the world we live , not only accessible , but actively encouraged. Many many people develop a problem with alcohol, or question their usage as they become sober curious , but for an empath their may be the added dimension of trying to manage other peoples intense feelings . 

When we start drinking too much , even just a small amount per day , this can begin to play havoc with our mental health , anxiety levels and mood. It impacts food choices , sleep , motivation , all the things we need to look after ourselves as empaths . 

The turning point can be the right support in place , helping the empath understand their superpower and learn how to use it. 

The reliance on alcohol can drop away as less of oneself is given away , healthy boundaries are developed and the gift is truly understood .

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