Sober Curious
What does Sober Curious actually mean?
It's a term that is banded about and is quite on trend at the moment.
Its ok to be sober curious.
It does not mean.
- you are labelling yourself an alcoholic
- you have a problem with booze
-you will never drink again
-you are committing to anything
It does mean
- you are curious about what life would be like without booze or a reduced amount of alcohol
-you are allowed to question your relationship with alcohol even if you do not have a problem with it
So where do you start if you are sober curious?
I would suggest reading reading and more reading. There are so many good books out there that discuss alcohol and not in a judgmental way or " alcohol is terrible " way, just in a really interesting way.
My favorite is Annie Grace, This Naked Mind. In this book Annie explores alcohol and the myths that we believe. For example, she examines, does alcohol really help us relax? Will I be boring without alcohol? Do I have to label myself an alcoholic?
For the empaths and sensitive souls amongst us there is the extra burden of will I feel things even more deeply, and will my mind ever stop?
This is a good place to start in the long list of books that are out there regarding booze.
Listening to podcasts, can help us think about our relationship with alcohol. There are so many out there. My favorite is Sober Awkward. It's such an interest listen and so funny and sad in equal measures.
Maybe then try and work out when and why you drink. Is it because you are an empath and highly sensitive and never figured out how to manage these feelings and this wonderful gift you have?
Is it because you are bored on an evening or shattered after putting the kids to bed.
Notice when and where you are when you start to want a drink. Who are you with? Is it the same drink? The same person? the same day?
Then think wishes. If you could have your wish, what would you ideally want your relationship with alcohol to look like? How would that change your life? How would you be different? What is stopping you changing your relationship with alcohol?
It's a great place to be at the beginning of the sober curious journey. Start there and who knows where it can lead.
much love Jo xxxx