15 Nov

We all have needs , we all have opinions, wants and desires. But we get into the habit of feeding our souls with bad habits, bad relationships, unhelpful thoughts. Life might not be awful, but you might have just got used to feeling unhealthy , tired, groggy , just plodding on. 

We may think not sleeping well is the norm , feeling exhausted , irritable , a bit fed up is the norm. 

We carry on , pouring wine down our necks, saying yes to everything , accepting not being happy in our relationships. We accept putting our needs last , so instead of dealing with them , we drink them , eat them , shop them away . Only they do not go away , they just go quiet for a short while. We feel more and more put upon , less and less happy , but we are not in crisis so we continue this way . Life is too busy to challenge all this , to question it , to realize we deserve better. 

You see , you only get one life , that's it , and so many people live that one special life feeling unhappy , uncontented, with a real lack of joy of in their lives  . It is so sad. 

The course I am currently developing is just 12 weeks , to re focus , recharge , establish joy and love , get your needs met. To feel happy , content and you , once again , get a say in your life. Not only do you get a say , you are in charge of your life ! You get to feed your soul and the get your life back on track .

How about that !!!! 

Change bad habits for good ones, let go of self sabataging , release anxiety and feel the wonderful joy of being you .

much love Jo xxx

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