30 Jan

I was talking to a group of mummies at my daughters  school on Friday afternoon and it got me thinking. 

The conversation was very much about wine , namely getting home and what time was it acceptable to open the wine . The theory being mummies need wine . If they can survive the day , get the kids to bed , then wine is earnt and deserved .

Where did this come from ? I was thinking back to days gone by when mummies were readily given tranquilizers as mummies little helpers . The damage that occurred and they just stopped mummies knowing they were stressed and struggling . 

I don't think wine is any better. Apart from numbing the brain and stopping us feel ,mummies new little helper, wine , just switches us off . 

It also gives our children the knowledge that we need to drink wine because they are so difficult to cope with . We need a reward for looking after them .

Is that really the message we want to be giving our precious children ?

I was asking the mums how often they drink and, the ones I were asking , told me most nights. I am not saying all mums drink every night but it does seem to be a common theme . 

Does feeling a bit cotton wool headed in a morning really help us when we are faced with getting the reluctant children out of bed , screaming because we have the wrong cereal or refusing to put their coat on . 

Would these tasks be easier if wine hadn't been consumed the night before ? 

I do not know the answer and I suspect the answer may be different to each set of parents , but it would be interesting as an experiment . 

A week to see if parenting is any easier without wine o clock . Let me your thoughts .

Much love Jo xx

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